Betsy Ross and the American Flag
Betsy Ross House Tour
Betsy Ross House Courtyard

Betsy Ross (1752-1836) lived and worked here from 1776-1779. The house where she boarded with the elderly Widow Lithgow has been restored to early 1777. Walk through the wrought-iron gates to behold the courtyard, where originally another house stood (you'll see a picture of it on the Betsy Memorabilia page, toward the end of this tour).
Through the gates, turn left to view Betsy Griscom Ross Ashbourn Claypoole's grave. She was originally buried at a Quaker cemetery at 5th and South Locust streets in Philadelphia. Her second gravesite was at Mount Moriah, about 10 miles south of here. It was decided to move her grave here after the house was restored. She is buried with her third husband, John Claypoole.
In the middle of the courtyard is a statue of cats. However, there is no historical record of Betsy Ross being particularly partial to felines. This statue was commissioned after the restoration of the house.

Turning right you'll see the stairs that lead down to an exit.