Southwest Corner

Morley's former home
The southwest corner retains its character and a feeling of the 19th century. Here a block of four-story red brick mansions suggests the period of Henry James and Edith Wharton, but the buildings actually date from an earlier era. The author, Christopher Morley, once lived in the third house from the corner of 7th Street, facing the square, and for a time in later years it was known as "The Christopher Morley Inn." Morley confessed to a passion for city squares and he said no Walden sky was ever more blue than "the roof of Washington Square."
Although the house is no longer here, Marshal de Grouchy, one of Napoleon's 26 marshals, lived at 245 South 6th Street; the site is today occupied by a condominium. He had to flee France after his non-appearance at Waterloo — one of history's enigmas.
Washington Square and West
- Washington Square
- PSFS and Ayer Buildings
- Lea & Febiger, Publishers
- Athenaeum
- Penn Mutual
- Curtis Publishing
- Tomb of the Unknown Soldier
- Southwest Corner
- Holy Trinity Church (Washington Square)
- "Rip Van Winkle"
- Biddle House
- St. George's Greek Orthodox Church
- Reynolds-Morris House
- Musical Fund Hall
- Mikveh Israel Cemetery
- Bonaparte House
- Walnut Street Theatre
- Clinton Street
- Pennsylvania Hospital
- Mother Bethel A.M.E. Church