NOTE: Some of the transcriptions of The Courant given here have not had the proofreading corrections completed.
New-England Courant.
Issue 39

To The Author of the New-England Courant.
It is undoubtedly the Duty of all Persons to serve the Country they live in, according to their Abilities; yet I sincerely acknowledge, that I have hiherto been very deficient in this Particular ; whether it was for want of will or Opportunity, I will not at present stand to determine: Let it suffice, that I now take up a Resolution, to do for the future all that lies in my Way for the Service of my Countrymen.
I HAVE from my Youth been insatigatigably studious to gain and treasure up in my Mind all useful and desiteable Knowledge, especially such as tends to improve the Mind, and enlarge the Understanding:And as I have found it very beneficial to me, I am not without Hopes, that communicating my small Stock in this Manner, by Peace-meal to the Publick, may be at least in some Measure useful.
I AM very sensible that it is impossible for me, or indeed any one Writer to please all Readers at once, Various Persons have different Sentiments; and that which is pleasant and delightful to one, gives another a Disgust. He that would (in this Way of Writing) please all, is under a Necessity to make his Themes almost as numerous as his Letters. He must one while be marty and diverting, then more solid and serious; one while sharp and satyrical, then ( to mollify that) be sober and religious; at one Time let the Subject be Polliticks, then let the next Theme be Love: Thus will every one, one Time or other find some thing agreeable to his own Fancy, and in his Turn be delighted.
ACCORDING to this Method I intend to proceed, bestowing now and then a few gentle Reproofs on those who deserve them, not forgetting at the same time to applaud those whose Actions merit Commenation. And here I must not forget to invite the ingenious Part of your Readers, Particularly those of my own Sex to enter into a Correspondence with me, assuring them, that their Condescension in this Particular shall be received as a Favour, and according acknowledged.
I THINK I have now finish'd the Foundation, and I intend in my next to begin to raise the Building. Having nothing more to write at Present, I must make the usual excuse in such Cafes, of being in hastle, assuring you that I speak from my Heart when I call my self, The most humble and obedient of all the Servants your Merits have acquir'd,
* Those who incline to favour Mrs. Dogood with their Correspondence, are defir'd to send their letters (directed to her) to the Publisher of this Paper.
To the Author of the New-England Courant.
I am of Opinion, that it may at some Times and on Some Occasions be proper to expose the Vices and pernicious Principles of particular Persons, especially when they themselves will endeavour ( with Frowns or Flatters ) to corrupt others thereby: And Since I have met with some Things (in my Opinion) of less Consequence in your Paper, I presume you may be inclin'd to favour the Publick with the following Information, which I have lately receiv'd from credible Persons: Viz. A certain Gentleman some time last Week, his Conversation (in the Hearing of divers Persons) was Pleased to say, That he would make his Tenanis to know; that they should vote for good Honest Men for Representatives, such Men as he would
have them vote for, or else be would turn them out of his Tenements. The whole of the Conversation wou'd be too tedious to rehearse here; owever, it has been Mater of considerable Speculation in the Town. Some say, to choose honest Men and such as he would have them choose, is a contradiction in Terms. Other think he has a mind to be chose himself, but that he does not answer the Character. 'Twould be needless to name him, so that every Body might point at him; but for your own Satisfaction, if you will tell no Body, I'll tell you thus much, That he commonly goes with one Eye half shut, and his Mouth screw'd up into a whistling Posture.
I am, Sir,
Your Humble Servant,
Mister Couranto, Woodstock, April 20. 1722.
Of late there has been pritty much Talk about Sagadeboc, and Sham-Deeds; and my Neighbors one or other, are often asking what 'tis about it, For my part, I hear so many different Stories about it, that I don't know what to make on't. They say the Truth of it is in the Votes; but we Country Folks, very few of us at least, can get a Sight of 'um: Besides, we' a been so bizzy o'late about our Meeting-House, that we cou'dn't spare any of our Family ( I mean the Truemans) for a Representative last Year, and so ha'dn't any of the Votes at our Town, except what Ball-Face had, and he has such a Hatred against all our Name And Family, (for the ske of Posts and Profits,) that he'll sooner ruin us than do us a small Courtesy, (and that we know.) Therefore if you'd be so kind as put this in your Courant, may be some Body wou'd be at the trouble to draw up the whole of the Matter; and then if you'd put it in your next Paper, we should soon have it at our Town; and I can tell you a great many here wou'd take it mighty kindly of you: For besides, you must know, several of us has got the Deplorable state of New-England, and we hear the Story in the Votes concerns one of a great Family, mention'd in that Pamplet: which if it does, and we can get it, we intend to tack one to 'to- ther. I ' awe a great many things more to talk with you about, but, I'll put it off to another Time. I doubt I am troublesome already.
By, yer Leave, Sir,
To the Author of the New-England Courant.
This Day I received some Information concerning the Progress of Inoculation in London, from a Physican there, bearing date Feb13. 1721,2, which I condidly and freely communicate as follows. " Inoculation of the Small Pox, after some Struggle and Opposition, begins to get Footing, &c.------- I was witness ( with a great many more of the Physicans of this Place) to the Incutation of Seven, by the King's Order, in Newgate, who all recovered. Dr. K---th who had lost Two of his Children by the Small Pox sometime before, inocul-ated his only Child remaining, who escaped safe.
A Gentleman in the City has lately caused Three of his Children to be inoculated, whom I have seen with the Eruption upon them, now all safe; the Pustules were fair as the distinct Kind, withoutany bad Systoms, not very numerous. Whether such as are inoculated be capable of having them again, is what Time alone can Prove." By all Accounts we find, that it is with the greatest Deliberation and Caution, they gradually venture at this novel Practice. Yours, &c.
To the Author of the New-England Courant.
Having lost my Wise in the late Calamitous Sickness, I Thought it expedient to Supply my self with another ( to my Mind ) as soon as possible. Accordingly, I made my Address to Several of the soft Sex, whom I thought were ample Fortunes, (for must needs say it was Pelf directed my Choice, (but they all rejected my Offers with scorn. At Length I apply'd my self to a young Widow, soon gain'd her Affections, was twice publish'd to her, and the happy Hour (as I thought) to possess what she bad was appointed. Afew Days before the last Publishing I advis'd with a Lawyer about her temporal Concerns, and got him to draw up an Instrument to secure all that she was worth to my self, before Marriage; which on the Morning of the Day we were to be the last Time published I carried to her, desiring her to sign it, but she resolutely refus'd; upon which I told her her I would forbid the Banns, and accordingly did so. Now, good Sir, being in hastle for another money'd Women, I desire you to insert the following
** Any young Gentlewoman ( Virgin or Widow )that is minded to dispole of her self in Marriage to a well accomplish'd young Widower, and has five or fix hundred Pounds to secture to him by Deed of Gift, she may repair to the Sign of the Glass-Lanthorn in Steeple-Square, find all the encouragement she can reasonably desire.
[On Friday last came in Capt. Woodbridge and Capt. in six Weeks from London, by whom we have the following Advice.]
Petersburgh, Jan.19. N.S. The Czar hath given Orders for Printing at Amsterdam, the old and new Testament in the Russian Language; every other Page whereof is to be left Blank, for inserting the Annotations of a Set of Divines to to nominated for that purpose. All Familiws will be oblig'd to furnish themselves with one of there Bibles, which will be sold at a moderate Price for the sake of the Poor. 'Tis Said that no Subject of his Czarish Majesty will be permitted to marry till he can prove that he hath this Book,and understands it well enough to instruct his Family. The Czar being refolved to recoverhis People from the Ignorance they have liv'd in for several Ages Past, which is partly owing to those who had the Care of Teaching them, he hath expressly order'd the Clergy throughout his Domimions to preach hereafter in the same manner as is practis'd in the more polite Nations of Europe, and to be sure to conform themselves in their Semons to the Holy Scripture, and to the most universally received Tradition.
Hague, March 1. N. S. We have advice that Prince Frederick-William-Adolphus of Naffsaw-Siegen of the Protestant Branch, died upon the 22 d. of February, almost 42 Years of Age, being born upon the 20th of February, 1680. He is succeeded by his Son Prince Frederick William, born Nov. 11. 1706. of Juliana Francisca, of Heffe-Homborg, who was his first Wife.
Brussels, March 10. Letters from Port Mahone assure us that the Rovers of Algier are so numerous and so powerful in those Seas, that hardly any Dutch Ships escape them; that they have carried several Merchant Ships of that Nation
into Algiers; within a few Weeks past, and that they have now 10 or 12 Rovers at Sea, from 24 to 44 Guns each; so that if te Dutch do not send some Men of War unto those Seas speedily to protect their Trade, they may in a little Town find they had much better Keep their Ships at home, unless that they send Merchant Ships of 40 or 50 Guns each, such as they send to the Indies.
London, March 8. A Pamphlet has been lately publish'd here very much to the Mortification of our Torys and State Divines with this Title, Seasonable Advice to the Electors of Great Britain, with a Word or Two relating to the Influence of the CLERGY in Elections. To which is added, The true Picture of a Moderation Tory, or a High Churchman painted to the Life. With this Motto.
I'll Thunder in their Edrs their Country's Cause, And try to rouse up all that's Roman in them.
Addison's Cato.
The Royal African Company have made an Agreement with the South Sea Country to furnish them with Negroes to answer their Assiento Contract.
Dover, March 10. All our Advices from Paris are taken up with the Splendor and Magnificence of the publick Entry of the Infanta: They tell us of making fine speeches to her and of her receiving Visits and returning them, just as if she was a Woman of Twenty, and not a child of Four or Five Years Old.
London, March 10 On Wednesday his Majesty went to the House of Peers, gave the Royal Assent to the following Bills. To the Bill for prolonging the Times for determining Claims before the Trustee, in whom the Estate of the late South Sea Directors, and of John Aislabie, and james Cragg Sen. Esqs; are vested. To the South Sea Lottery: To the Bill against Forging of powers for transferring South Sea Stock: To The Bill for the more effectual Suppression of Pyracy: To the Bill to prevent the Clandestine running of Goods, and the Danger of Infection thereby: To the Charter House Bill, and to some other Publick and private Bills. The House of Common being at the Bar, the Right Honourable Sencer Compton, Esq; their Specker, address'd himself to the Throne, in a Speech to the following Effect. Viz.
"That the Parliament had in all Respects answered his Majesty's Expectation, by their Unanimity, Zeal,and Resolution in all their Proceedings. That they had chearfully granted all the necessary Supplies, and had made a Provision for paying off a great Part of the Debts of the Navy, by the Bill for the circulating of a Million of Exchecquer Notes, without Burthening the People with any new Taxes; and that by the Bill for the Importation of Naval Stories from his Majority's Dominions beyond Sea, the Trade of his Majesty's Subjects would be very much encreas'd, Navigation encouraged, and a Great Number of the Poor employ'd.
A Proclamation will soon be issued out, for dissolving the present Parliment, and the Teste of the Writs for Electing aNew one, will bear date on Wednesday the 14th Instant.
It is said that a Librarian of the Czar of Muscovy is now in this City, Purchasing Books by his Masters Command, having beenbefore on the said Errand in France and Holland.
Custom-House Boston, April 30. Entered Inwards.
John Stevens, Rob Stone, Ralf Ellingwood, Mich. Bowden, David Ellingwood and Jos. Jackson from N. Hampshire, John Alden from Annapolis Royal, Jos. Royal from Pensilvania, James Nichols and George Barrow from North Carolina, Eb Allert from Statia, Ben. Woobridge and Jonath. Clark from London.
Cleared Out.
Will James for Newport and Connecticut, Jonath. Bayly, Benj. L' hommedieu and Hosea L ' hommedieu for Long Island, John Beale and Joseph Bosworth for Carlso, Jocobus Kirstceed for N. York, Rich. Wait, Josiah Doty, Benj. Eddy and Nath. Lathrop for North Carolina, Francis Spareman, Jol. Turel, and Tho. Burnton for West Indies, Tho. Jones for St. Thomas, James Watson for Glasgow, Tho. Barrick for Great Britain, Rich. Dowse and David Cutler for London.
Outward Bound
J. Ferguson and Nich. George for N. Carolina, John Fuller, and Wil. Fletcher for Barbadoes, Matth. Bant for Western Islands, Rich. Mursey for Leward Islands, Fran. Bignal for West Indies, Nath. Breed for Great Britain.
Any Gentlemen or others that have a Mind to Recreate themselves with a Game of Billiards, if they will repair to the House Where David Melvill did formerly live, near Charlestown Ferry, (and Conform themselves to the Orders there) shall meet with civil Enrertainment from E. Mac Daniel
** A Youth of about 17 Years of Age, named John Pierce, who came from London with Capt. Thomas Winmouth about 5 Years ago, has now a Brother at Nantucker, named William Pierce, who wants to hear of him. There are to give Notice, that if the said John Pierce, or any other person for him, will send Word where he lives (if living) to the Printer hereof, or to Capt. Anthony Odar of Nantucker, his said Brother William Pierce will acknowledge It as a Favour.
II^II This Paper (No 39) being the last of the Third Quarter, those who have not paid for the same, are desir'd to send in their Money, or Pay it to the Bearer.
BOSTON: Printed and Sold by J. Franklin in Queen-Street, over against Mr. Sheaf's School, where Adverisements and Letters are taken in. Adverisements and Letters are taken in. Advertisements are likewise taken in by J. Edwards at the Corner Shop on the North Side of the Town-House. Price 3 d. single, or to 10 s. a Year