NOTE: Some of the transcriptions of The Courant given here have not had the proofreading corrections completed.
New-England Courant.

------Mulier Muliers magis congruet. Ter.
To the Author of the New-England Courant.
I SHALL here Present your Readers with a Letter from one, who informs me that I have begun at the wrong End of my business, and that I ought to begin at begin at Home, and censure the Vices and Follies of my own Sex, before I venture to meddle with your's: Neverthless, I am resolved to declare this Speculation to the Fair Tribe, and endeavour to show, that Mr. Ephraim charges Women with being particularly guilty of Pride, Idleness,&c. wrongfully, inasmuch as the Men have not only as great a Share in those Vice as the Women, but are likewise in a great a Share in those Vice as the Women, but are likewise in a great Measure the Cause of that which the Women are guilty of. I think it will be best to produce my Antagonist, before I encounter him.
Madam, My Design in troubling you with this Letter is, to de'fire you would begin with your own Sex first: Let the 'first Volley of your Resentments be directed against Female Vice; let Female Idleness, Ignorance and Folly, (which 'are Vices more peculiar to your Sex than to our's, ) be the Subject of your Satyrs, but more especially Female 'Pride, which I think is intollerable. Here is a large Field 'that wants Cultivation, and which I believe you are able '(if willing) to improve with Advantage; and when you have once reformed the Women, you will find it a much 'easier Tasker to reform the Men, because Women are the 'prime Causes of a great many Male Enormities. This 'is all at present from
Your Friendly Wellwisher.
Ephraim Cesorious.
After Thanks to My Correspondent for his kindness in cutting out Work for me, I must assure him, that I find it a very different Matter to reprove Women separate from The Men: for what Vice is there in which the Men have they not a far greater, as a in Drunkenness, Swearing, &c. And if they have, then it follows, that when a Vice is to be reproved, Men who are most cupable, deserve the most Reprehension, and certainly therefore, ought to have it. But we will wave this Point at present, and proceed to a particular Confideration of what my Correspondent calls
Female Vice.
As for Idleness, if should Quaere, Where are the greatest Number of its Votaries to be found, with us or the Men? it might I believe be easily and truly answer'd, With the latter. For notwithstanding the Men are commonly complaining how hard they are forc'd to labour, only to Maintain their Wifes in Pomp and Idleness, yet if you go among the Women, you will learn, that they have always more Work upon their Hands than they are able to do; and that a Woman's Work is never done, &c. But however, Suppose we should grant for once, that we are generally more idle than the Men, ( without making any Allowance for the Weakness of the Sex,) I desire to know whose Fault it is? Are not the Men to blame for their Folly in main taining us in Idleness? Who is there that can be handsomely supported in Assuence, Ease and Pleasure by another, that will chuse rather to earn his Bread by the Sweat of his own Brows? And if a Man will be so food and so For Fish, as to labour hard himself for a Livelihood, and Suffer his Wise in the mean Time to fit in Ease and Idleness, let him not blame her if she does so, for it is in a great Measure his own Fault.
And now for the Ignorance and Folly which he reproaches us with, let us see ( if we are Fools and Ignoramus's Writer, having this subject in Hand, has the following Words, wherein he lays the Fault wholly on the Men, for not allowing Women the Advantages of Education.
I have (says he) often Thought of it as one of the most barbarous Customs in the World, considering us as a civiliz'd and Christian Country, that we deny the Advantages of Learning to Women. We reproach the Sex every Day with Folly and Impertinence, while I am confident, had they the Advantages of Education equal to us, they would be guilty of less than our selves. One would wonder indeed how it should happen that Women are conversible at all, since they are only beholding to natural Parts
for all their Knowledge. Their Youth is spent to teach them to stitch and sow, or make Baubles: They are taught to read indeed, and perhaps to write their Names, or so and that is the Heigth of a Womans Education. And I would but ask any who 1light the Sex for their Understanding, What is a Man (a Gentleman, I mean) good for that is taught no more? If knowledge and Understanding had been useless Additions to the Sex God Almighty would never have given them Capacities, for he made nothing Needless. What has the Woman done top forfeit the Priledge of being taught? Does she plague us with her Pride and Impertinence? Why did we not let her learn, that she might have had more Wit? Shall we upbraid Women with Folly, when 'tis only the Error of this inhumane Custom that hindred them being made wiser.
So much for Female Ignorance and Folly, and now let us a little consider the Pride which my Correspondent thinks is intollerable. By this Expression of his, one would think he is some dejected Swain, Tyanniz'd over by some cruel haughty Nymph, who (perhaps he thinks) has no more Reason to be proud than himself. Alas-a-day! What shall we say in this Cafe! Why truly, if Women are proud, it is certainly owing to the Men still; for if they will be such Simpletons as to humble themselves at their Feet, and fill their credulous Ears with extravagant Praises of their Wilt, Beauty, and other Accomplishments (perhaps where there are none too,) and when Women by this Means perswaded that they are Something more than humane, What Wonder is it, if they carry themselves haughtily, and live extravagantly. Notwithstanding, I believe there are more Instances of extravagent Pride to be found among Men than among Women, and this Fault is certainly more halnous in the former than in the latter.
Upon the whole, I conclude, that it will be impossible to last any Vice, of which the Men are not equally guilty with the Women, and consequently deserve an equal if not a greater ) Share in the Censure. However I exhort both to amend, where both are culpable, otherwise they may expect to be severly handled by Sir,
Your Humble Servant.
N.B. Mrs. Dogood has lately left her Seat in the Country, and come to Boston, where she intends to tarry for the Summer Season, in order to compleat her Observations of the present resigning Vices of the Town.
To the Author of the New-England Courant
WHATEVER different Opinions and warm Disputes there in the World; concerning the various Species and Forms of civil Government, it is nevertheless confessed by all to be of Divine Original and Institution. And this is not only a clear Dicrate of natural Reason, ( that Light which enlightenth every Man that comes into the World,) but is every where suggested to us in the sacred Oracles. Agreeable to this are the Words of the Great Apostle, Rom. 13.1. The Powers that be, are ordained of God.
And Verse's Whoever resisteth the Power, resisteth his Ordinance.
CIVIL GOVERNMENT, (when the Administrations of it are regulated by the Divine Standard) is the Stength, Glory, and Safety of Nations and Common-Wealths; 'tis the strongest Bulwark against the Efforts of Tyranny, a sure Defence of the Liberties of Mankind when invaded by un-reasonable Men. The great Design of God in the Institution of Government among Men, was, (next to his own Glory,) the Weal and Happiness of those who are governed: Which End is Then only likely to be attained, when those who are vested with Power and Authority make the Welcare of their People, their last View in. all their Administrations. The Power of civil Rulers is derivative and limited, and therefore they must not arrogate to Themselves an absolute uncontroulable Empire, which appertains to God alone, being essentially and independently in him. An absolute Government is what no Mortal is equal to, or fit to be intrusted with. He who is the supream Governour among the Nations, was ever an Enemy to unlimited Power among Men; and therefore he preserv'd the most just and equal Rules for them to Square their Administrations by. When Men in high Place assume a Dispotick Power, and begin to tyrannize over their Brethren, they rebel against Heaven, usurp the Thone of the most High, and prostitute Government to the Service of their own Lusts. The Power of civil Rulers is but a Ministry under God, derived from him, and designed by him for the good of Men: And therefore it cannot be suppos'd that Government was ordain'd, that a few Men should become Beasts of Piety and Rapine to Mankind, and have Opportunity to gratify their travenoos Lusts of Dominion, please Pride and Avarice, that the rest of Mortals should crouch like Asses, under
what Burthens they please to impose upon them. The Dominion to be exercise'd Over Men, is a Rule suited to the Nature of free, rational Beings, and to the Ends of civil Society. Those Rulers who affect an arbitrary Sway, are justly to be esteem'd Enemies to Society, the Plague and Punishment of Mankind. Prov. 28.25. As a roaring Lion, and a ranging Bear, So is a wicked Ruler over the Poor People.
CIVIL RULERS are in Scripture, stiled GODS, inasmuch as they bear GODS's Image, are cloathed with his Authority, and ACT by his Commission: and as Gods they should improve their Power for the good of Men. Princes and Judges of the Earth, are Gods by Office, and they act like such, when Justice and Truth are the stready Basis of their Thrones, i.e. when! they Distribute Justice with Wisdom, Impartiality and Truth; when they Endeavour to Imitate the Divine Rule, and make it the Law and Measure of their own. But when they Act Contrary hereto, there belongs another Name to them, too Horrible to be mention'd They resemble the God of this World, and contribute to the support of his usurp'd Dominion, and Consequently Expose themselves to Divine resentments, and the heavy Curses of their People
CIVIL RULERS are the Pillars of the World, and must bare the Political Frame, above Disorder, Anarchy and Dissolution. They are Shields of the Earth, and ( as Guardians) must defend the Liberties and Property of their People; there they must not invade themselves, nor tamely see it done by others.
THEY who Exercise Lordship over others, should approve themselves Benefactors to them: this they should do, by Enacting Good wholesome Laws, and by repealing those which by Experience have been found pernicious, by easing every Burthen, and breaking the jaws of Oppressors.
THEY are the Fathers of their People, and as such Should be most sentibly touch'd with the feeling, of their Calamities, and endeavour by all Possible means to redress them. They should be projecting Methods Themselves, (and encouraging others to do the like,) that may contribute to the Ease, Prosperity and Happiness of Their People; and by a steady Course of real Endeavours, strive to be useful in Government. Yea, they should signalize themselves in every Critical Juncture, tho' at the Expence of Ease and Fortune, and with the Hazard of Life itself. And when Rulers thus Exert themselves for the Good of Mankind; they are certainly the greatest Blessings to the World, they consult their own best Interest, and tread in the Path which leads to substantial Glory. But it is as true on the other Hand, that wicked Rulers are the greatest Plague and Scourge to Mankind, as will appear, if we but look into those Countries and Commonwealths where Violence, Oppression, Injustice and Bribery regn'd among their Chiefs, and see what amazing Woes have attended.
CERTAINLY then, it highly concerns every free People, to see to it in all their Elections, that they fix their Eyes on them who are fit to Rule and govern, and that they carefully avoid them who are not. And lurely they should beware how they advance any to Place of Power, who would be Tyrants if they could. Men who were known to be Tyrants, in Will, and Intention, (tho' they never acted their villanous Purposes,) were by a wife Commwealth wont to be outlaw'd, and treated as their Savage Nature required. Prov. 30. 14 There is a Generation whose Teeth are as Swords, and their Jaw-Teeth as Knives, to devour the Poor, &c. So. likewise, those Men are to be avoided, who have discovered their Enmity to the People Words, Writing, or promoting bad Laws. And as for Men of forbid, covetous Principles, against them should Places of Power be as carefully guarded as against the former; for, what Privilege is there, the most valuable in it self, and dear to the People, which a covetous Man will not sacrifice to his Lust? Moreover, such are most likely to open their hands for Gifts, which Solomon says, blinds the Eyes if the Wise, and overthrows the Land. This is agreeable to the Sentiments of Heathenism, as well as Christianity; and it was truly said by Dion the Philosopher, that Avarice is the Head of all Wickedness; and, faith Euripidas, An Ambitious and Covetous Judge, can neigher think or defire any Thing. But, to be brief, those only are fit for Gods among Men, who are Persons of singular abilities, approv'd Integrity, and generous Principles, with whom the publick Good is ever preferable to their own; who lay aside mercenary Views, and Act principally for the Reward of Vertue.
Yours, &c.
To the Author of the New-England Courant.
The Boston Gazette has been long noted for the good Manners and good Sense with some Persons have been treated in it. And the Author of an Advertisement in the last Weeks Gazette, dated at Roxbury, whether he be a Roxbury Man, or a Boston Man, or even the Gazetteer himself, he has discover'd such an admirable Temper, that it would be a Crime equal to Verbal Sacriledge to rax him with any base design in writing it. He says, the whole Story of a Piece of Plate's being Presented to the Church at Roxbury is a notorious and possive Lye, (tho' the Courant only mentions it as a Report, but affirms nothing,) and afterwards owns the Gentleman's generous Design of making such a Present; by which he very cunningly intinuates, That the Gentleman had given timely Notice of his intended Generosity, but now the Choice of Reprentatives being over over, and the End the Present answer'd, it the Gentleman should withhold the designed Gift from the church, it will he no Crime
in him, but the Writers of the Courant will be guilty of, a certain new Crime never before heard of, namely, VERBAL SACRLEDGE. This Advertiser is certainly a very studious Observer of Crimes and the ill Conseqences of them; and I doubt not but he will quickly move, that a Law may be made against verbal Riots, &c. lest the Tongues of the People (by contracting a vicious Habit) should turn Thieves and rob the Churches.
P. S. Note, That the People of Boston were certain, that the Piece of Plate was made a considerable Time before the whole Story of it came from Roxbury, but they are wholly ignorant of the Roxbury Gentleman's being upbraided for Stinginess and Avvarice in the Courant before that in which the Plate was mentain'd, Gunless Advertiser applys to him the following Passage there inserted from the London Journal, viz. "He who in any Country Posses himself of a "Post for the sake of gainful Jobbs, (as a great Man Once own "ed he did,) ought to finish his last Jobb under the Gallows."
London, March 24. The Czar still goes on with his Preparations both by Sea and Land, Which are the Prelude to some Important Enterprise. Couriers frequnently Pass between Russia and France Which causes Speculation. Amidst there Preparations of War, the King of Prussia is erecting Magazines on his Frontiers, and reinforcing his Garrisons by way of Precaution.
The States General have agreed to fit out fives Frigates to act against the Algerines, and Protect their Mediterranean Trade.
The last Letters concerning the Pestilence are Favourable, with regard to the Cevennes and Gevaudan. In the Domtat, Avignon, Videme, Sorgues and Sargues are still Infected, in the first of which Places about twelve ficken in a Day. 'Tis talk'd as if the Commerce between Marseilles and Italy was renewed.
Our Merchants have Advice, that the Settlement of Anjengo, in the Indies, is destroyed the Natives. And, That the City of Ostend, an East India-man, homeward-bound for Ostend, was taken by the Pirates on the Coast of Africa. As also, That a Portuguese Man of War of 70 Guns was lately taken by them.
We hear that Mr. Robert Knight, late Casher of the South Sea Company, is arriv'd at Venice from Rome.
Boston, May 28. On Wednesday last the Rev. Mr. William Waldron was ordain'd Pastor of the New Brick Church in this Place. We hear from the Eastard, that a House has been lately burnt at Sawco, in which 3 Persons perished by the Flames. They write from Newcattle, that one Eleanor Moore was excuted there the 9th Instant for the Murder of her Bastard Child, which she had buried alive.
By Order of the Select Men.
Not one Person hath been taken Sick of the Small Pox since the Time mentioned in the Gazette and Courant of the 21 Instant, which is upwards, of three Weeks; and those four Persons then Sick are all recovered. The fix Inoculated Ones remain at Spectacle Island below the Cattle; and, through the Goodness of God, there are now none Sick of that Distemper save the Inoculated at the aforesaid Island.
Suitable Lodgings sufficient to entertain fifty of the Members of the General Court may be had, the most of them near the Town House, in such Houses where the Small Pox hath not been: and Deacon John Marion will Inform such Members of the Court as are minded to be accomodated therewith of the aforesaid Houses
Custom-House, Boston, Entered Inwards. Davis, Lothrop, and Brown from Connecticut, Theobalds and Beeckman from New York, Bissel from Annapolis, Langdon from North Carolina, Painter from Philadelphia, Evans from Bermuda, Stollard and Coverly from South Carolina, Calley from Virginia, Graves from Martinico, Quick from Honduras, Alcock from Barbadoes, Aston from Autigua, Astwick from London.
Cleared Out.
Jackson for New-Hampshire, Willson, Card, White, Lewis, and Cobb for Connecticut, Wallace for Lewis, Thurman for New York, Wait for Philadelphia, Lillie, and Johnson for North Carolina, Holmes for South Carolina
Outward Bound.
Beekman for New York, Winniet for Annapolis, Lothrop for Newport and Connecticut, Lillie for North Carolina, Davis for London.
t*t To be sold at the Shop over against the West END of the TownHouse in Cornhill, Boston, all sorts of Pictures and Maps, in Frances or without; and all Sorts of Picture-Faames Made by William Price.
To sold by publick Vendue on Tuesday the 29th Instant, at Threo of the Clock in the Afternoon, at the Sun-Tavern on Dock-Square, a valuable Collection of Books, being the Library of Thomas Newton Esq; Deceas'd; with sundry other valuable Books added to them.
&-Whereas the Publisher of this Paper is inform'd, that some of this Correspondents have borrow'd from other Authors Without quoting the Passages. These are to define them for the future to mention the Authors from whom such Passages are taken, or distinguish them by Comma's (") at the beginning of each Line, otherwise they May expect to have their Writings expos'd by some other of his Correspondents.
BOSTON: Printed and Sold by J. Franklin in Queen-Street, over against Mr. Sheaf's School, where Advertisements and Letters are taken in. Advertisements are likewise taken in by J. Edwards at the Corner Shop on the North Side of the Town-House. Price 6 d. Single, or 10 s. a Year.