NOTE: Some of the transcriptions of The Courant given here have not had the proofreading corrections completed.
New-England Courant.
Issue 45

Quem Dies vides veniens Superbum,
Hunc Dies vidit fugrent jacentrem.
To the Author of the New-England Courant.
Among the many reigning Vices of the Town which may at any Time come under my Confideration and Reprehenion, there is none which I am more incline'd to expose than that of Pride. It is acknowledg'd by all to be a Vice the most hateful to God and Man. Even those who nourish it in themselves, hate to see it in others. The Proud Man aspires after Nothing less than an unlimited Superiority over his Fellow-Creatures. He has made himself a king in Soliloquy; fancies himself conquering the World; and the Inhabitants thereof consulting on proper Methods to acknowledge his Merit. I speak it to my Shame, I my self was a Queen from the Fourteenth to the Eighteenth Year of my Age, and govern'd the World all the Time of my being govern'd by my Matter. But this Speculative Pride may Be the Subject of another Letter: I shall at present confine my Thoughts to what we call Pride of Apparel. This Sort of Pride has been growing upon us ever since we parted with our Homespun Cloaths for Fourteen Penny Stuffs &c. And the Pride of Apparel has begot and nurish'd in us a Pride of Heart, which portends the Ruin of Church and State.
Pride goeth before Distruction, and a houghty spirit before a Fall: And I remember my late Reverend Husband would often say upon this Text, That a Fall was the natural Consequence, as well as Purishment of Pride. Daily Experience is sufficient to evince the Truth of this Observation. Persons of small Fortune under the Dominion of this Vice, seldom consider their Inability to maintain themselves in it, but strive to imitate their Superiors in Estate, or Equals in Folly, until one Misfortune comes upon the Neck of another, and every Step they take is a Step backwards. By striving to appear rich they become really poor, and deprive themselves of that Pity and Charity which is due to the humble poor Man, who is made so more immediately by Providence. THIS Pride of Apparel will appear the more foolish if we consider, that those airy Mortals, who have no other Way of making themselves confiderable but by gorgeous Apparel, draw after them Crowds of Imitators, who hate each other while they endeavor after a Similitude of Manners. They destroy by Example, and envy one another's Destriction. I CANNOT dismiss this Subject without some Observations on a particular Fashion now reigning amongomy own Sex, the most immodest and inconvenient of any the Art of Women has invented, namely, that of Hoop Perticoats. By these they are incommoded in their General and Particular Calling, and therefore they cannot answer the Ends of either necessary or ornamental Apparel. These Monstrous topsy-turvy Mortar Pieces, are neither fit for the
Church, the Hall, of the Kitchen; and if a Number of them were well mounted on Noddles-Island, they would look more like more like Engines of War for bombarding the Town, than Ornaments of the Fair Sex. An honest Neighbor of mine, happening to be in Town some time since time since on a publick Day, inform'd me, that he saw four Gentlemen with their Hoops half mounted in a Balcony, as they withdrew to the Wall, to the great Terror of the Militia, who ( he thinks ) might attribute their irregular Volleys to the formidable Appearance of the Ladies Petticoats.
I ASSURE you, Sir, I have but little Hones of perswading my my Sex, by this Letter, utterly to relinquish the extravagent Foolery, and Indication of Immodesty, in this monstrous Garb of their's; but I would at least desire them to lessen the Circumference of their Hoops, and leave it with them to consider, Whether they, who pay no Rates or Taxes, ought to take up more Room in the King's HighWay, than the Men, who yealy; contribute to the Support of the Government.
I am, Sir
Your Humble Servant,
---- Fungar vice cotis. -- SIR,
I HOPE a Discourse of a serious Nature, especially upon a Subject which deserves the utmost attention of all that with well to Mankind, won't prove unacceptable to many of your Readers. And perhaps it won't fall under the view and consideration of more Persons in any other way of Publication, than it will in your Paper, if you shall please to forward any thing to the view of the World, which you may apprehend likely to do good in it: and I believe every Man who hath an enlarged Heart, and a generous desire to be an extensive Blessing, will rejoice to have any Way of being so suggested to him, from whatever Quarter the hint may happen to come. IT is certainly the earnst Desire of every Good Man to be as great a Benefactor to Mankind as possibly he can, and there is no Man that hath a due Sense of the Business he was sent into the World about, but what laments it as his great unhappiness, that his Capacity is not equal to his good Will to Men. And yet it is surprising to Observe, how strangely some of the Most effectual Methods of doing a great deal of Good; are overlook'd by Men who have it in the Power of their Hands to do it, and it may be make it a considerable part of their daily Care to devise Liberal Things. I shall mention but one Instance at this Time; and that is such an one, as I have hardly ever observed Mens Thoughts to be turned upon: and yet I scarce know of any Thing, that would more promote the Universal Walfare of a People; or be a more Noble Exercise of piety to words God; and Charity to Men.
IT is no uncommon Thing to see Men of Ingenuous Education, shining Abilities and Largeness of Heart, as the Sand upon the Sea-Shore; who would be capable of adorning almost any Post of Honour & Service and who desire nothing so much, as to be in Circumstances, which would allow them to exert themselves in doing Good to others (say it is no
uncommon Thing to to see such Men as there) restrained by the narrowness of their Fortunes, a great Part and sometimes all their Days, from doing the Good they desire, and are eminently accomplish'd for whereas it might have been the easiest Thing imaginable, for Men in superiour Circumstances to have introduced them into Business and helped them effectually to make their Way early into the World, which would have been, no Man can tell, how much the better for them.
THE Reason why Men of Superiour Fortunes, and generous Inclinations, so seldom employ them in Works of this Nature, seems to be meerly for want of having considered the Extensive Good which might be done such Way. Otherwise it could never be, that many Gentemen Whole Works of Piety and Charity are going up continually for a Memorial before God, should never once in all their Lives do any Thing of this Kind (even when fair Occasions have prevented) unless some thing of Kindred hath hapen to recommend a Person to their Care and Favour. Whereas with but little (or perhaps without any) Expence, they might something easily find means, to help Men into flouring Business, who in such Circumstances Would be as general Benefactors as Themselves.
NOW, how acceptable may we suppose the Setvice will be to God, to help Men who have natural Abilities and Hearts for it, into a Condition to do worthily in their Generation? How vast a Benefit is it to the World, when besides doing all the Good a Man can himself, he sets otherable and well disposed Hands to Work, and puts them in a Way to do much Good also? WHAT Joy and Gladness must fill such a Man's Heart, to see others (who have risen by his well placed Kindness) doing good to all about them, with their Wisdom, Influence and Estates! AND how unspeakable a Kindness is it to the Party obliged, to put him in a Capacity, to be a great Blessing in the World, and to obtain (thro' the Grace of God) a great Reward in the World to come!
I HOPE there Hints may serve to turn Men's Thoughts a little upon a Subject, Which deserves much more Confideration, than seen ever to have been bestowed upon it, and which needs nothing but to be considered, to convince Man of its Reasonableness, and induce the well disposed to practice agreebly, as they may have Opportunity. If this prove the Effect, it will yield to small Pleasure and Satisfaction to.
Your Humble Servant
Number 41
Foreign Affairs.
London, March 24. The following Tragedy has been lately acted in the Venetian Territories: The Count de la Torre being married to a Lady of a good Eamily, and unsuspected Virtue, yet constantly kept lewd Women in his House, And even committed the Indecences before her Face, insomuch that she found herself obliged to retire to one of her Country Seats. Among the Ladies whom he entertained, one was of Quality, of the Family of Strafoldi; she proving with Child by him, her Brother Pursued the Count, demanding a Reparation of his Sisters Honour, by marrying of her.
He consents; and in the Presence of the two Counts, the pregnant Lady, and her Mother, 'twas agreed to dispatch the Countess. A Women is engaged in their Servicefor this Purpose; and as the vile instrument was delivering a Letter to her, she shot her with a Pistrol ; which not immediately killing her, the young Count Strafoldi, who followed the Woman softly-up Staits, gave the expiring Lady Thirty Three Stabs with his Poinard, and ended her miserable Life. The Murtherers are all siezed, and likely to be made severe Examples of. Last Week the fix following Ships were commissioned, viz. the Chartham, Capt. Norbury; --------- Leopard, Capt. Medley, --- Guernsey, Capt. Percy, ---Colhaster, Capt. Clinton, ---Nonsuch, Capt. Hamilton, --and the Falmouth, Capt. Windham, who was removed out of the Solebay into this Ship, and is succeeded therein by the Lord Muskary. The
Three former of them are designed for the Coast of Guinea; the fourth and fifth for the Mediterranean; and the latter (together with the Soleba) will fail with the Panther to Newfoundland; so that it is hoped a good Account will be given of the Pirates who have of late so interrupted our Commerce. We are well assured that several more Ships are likely soon to be commissioned.
Whitehall, March 26. Since the Advertisement published in the London Gazette of the 17th, for the clearing up all Doubts relating to the innoculation of the Small Pox, a Child has been Innoculated with the Matter taken on a Person who has had the Small Pox by Inoculation, which has had the expected Effect of raising that Distemper on him; as may be seen at Mr. Reason's, Sword-Cutler, in Exeter Court, by Exeter-Exchange in the Strand. And this is further to give Notice, that Five other chilldren have been inoculation of the Small Pox, whereof several are Morbid Bodies, who may be seen at Nurse Mayou's, in Shepherd-Sreet, near the upper End of NewBond-street, Tyburn Road; where Attendance is given from Ten till Twelve in the Morning, and from two till Four in the Afternoon. Newport Rhode-Island, June 7. On Morning last His Honour The Governour had advice by a Whale-Boat (which came away in the Night) from Block-Island, that there was at that Island a Pirate Briganteen, with two Carriage Guns, and four Swivel Guns, and about 40 or 50 Men on Board, which had taken one Cahoon, belonging to this Island, and another Vessel outward bound from the Westward, Whereupon the Drums were order'd immediately to be beat about Town for Voluntiers to go in quest of the Pirates; and by 3 of Clock the same Day, there were two large Sloops under Sail, Equipt and Man'd; one mounts 10 Guns, and has 80 Men on Board, under the Command of Capt. John Headland; the other has 5 or 6 Guns, and about 52 or 60 Men, under the Command of Capt. John Brown.
We hear that the Pirates have said, they are resolved to take a RhodeIsland Sloop for their own Use; the Vessel they are in being a dull Sailer. We are advis'd from Boston, that the Government of the Masschusetts are fitting out a Ship to go after the Pirates, to becommanded by Capt. Peter Papillion, and 'tis thought he will sail sometimes this Month, if Wind and Weather permit. Rhode-Island. June 8. The Pirate Briganteen is commanded by one Low, who lately belong'd to Boston. The Vessels taken by him besides Cahoon, are, one Hance, bound to this Place from the Westward, and one Hall, in a Sloop bound Westward from Boston. They wounded Caltoon very much with a Sword, and Made him Cut away his Bowsprit and Boom himself, and throw them over-board, and took away his Mainsail, and what Provistions and Water he had. From Hance they took away about a Fun or two of Flower, and from Hall they took several Barrels of Power, &c. disabled his Vessel and turn'd her adrift. The Brighteen the Pirates are now in belong'd to Boston, and was bound there from St. Christophers, when she was Taken by a Pirate Sloop of about 10 Guns and 90 Men, who parted their Company for the Bright. The Persons taken ere about 23 in Number, among whom were 5 Women. They are all at Libery and are arriv'd here, except the Master of the Briganteen, whom they have carryed with them, and promise him his Brig again when they have taken a better Vessel. Dursey is arriv'd here from Maryland, France from Amboy, Lewis and Sturges from Boston, and Jacobs from Lisbon. Several Vessels are outward bound for the Leward Islands, and William Gardner for London.
Boston, June 11. On Saturday last a Proclamation was read here, by beat of Drum, for the Encouragement of Voluntiers to engage in his Majesty's Service against the Pirates, and 'tis said above 100 Men are already inlisted, who will sail this Day.
Custom-House, Boston, Enred Inwards. Zechary Stone, William Pride, Robert, John Ober, William Tuck, Thomas Verien, David Ellingwood, Joseph Breed, Jo. Stevens, Ralph Ellingwood from N. Hampshire. Thomas Mathews, Jo. Knowles, Jonah Gross, and Newport , Coggeshall from Connecticut, Isaac Pepper from Newport, Jonath. Rowse, Isaac Dogger, & Henry Stanton, from North Carolina. James Kylling from Newfoundland, Nicholas Davis from Surranam.
Cleared Out
Thomas Verien, Ellingwood for New Hampshire, John Davis for Connecticut, Miles Aswick for Canso, Joseph Evans for Bermuda, John Theobalds for New York, Joseph Bissel for Annapolis, Edward Richards for Surraham, Eleazer Dorby for Barbadoes, Nich. Nicherson for North Carolina.
Outward Round.
Francis Brown for Connecticut, Thomas Coverly for Bahama, John Gibbs for Bermuda, William Francis for Antigua, John Stephens for Leward Islands, Peter Papillion Ship Flying Horse for Barbadoes, Nathaniel Montgomery for Great Brittain, and William Alexander for Bristol,
** A House and Island in Bennet Street, at the North End of Boston fifty five Foot Front and one hundred Foot Reer, to be sold. Enquire of Mr. Sampson Dewer in Union Street, and Know further.
BOSTON: Printed and Sold by J. Franklin in Queen-Street, over against Mr. Sheaf's School, where Advertisements and Letters are taken in. Advertisements are likewise taken in by J. Edwards at the Corner Shop on the North Side of the Town-House. Price 6 d. Single, or 10 s. a Year.