Emptying the bucket from the well in the movie above.
A longer view of the well in the movie above (near left).
Looking down the well.
Looking down the well. Note that they excavate by building a support wall (for safety) covering one half the pit feature and removing tiers of bricks, while investigating soil changes, and removing fill.
A closer view.
Central portion of the excavation, with the bow window bottom left, and corner and western wall of the kitchen, both marked with blue flags. The root cellar is being explored at top left.
Looking southeast.
Excavating at the root cellar.
Sifting soil from the root cellar area, looking for artifacts.
Looking into the well at the southwest area of the excavation.
Removing the bricks.
On the observation platform, archaeologist Patti Jeppson answers questions and explains what's happening.
Observing the work at the root cellar at the rear of the excavation.
On the other side, a school group looks in on the excavation before visiting the Liberty Bell Center.