Sculpture to the Martyrs

Walk along to the corner of 16th and Arch Street, with the Pennnwalt Building and friends Select School on the left. Here is the monument by C. Natan Rapoport (1964) in memory of the six million jewish martyrs who perished at the hands of the Nazis between 1933 and 1945. It is a powerful statement of struggle and agony. Among the striving figures can be discerned the torah, an old scholar wearing his prayer shawl and an arm holding a sword for freedom.
Benjamin Franklin Parkway
- Welcome to The Benjamin Franklin Parkway Tour
- LOVE Park
- Henry Moore Sculpture
- Prophet
- Friends Select School
- Statue of Copernicus
- Cathedral of SS. Peter and Paul
- Parkway Sculptures
- Swann Fountain (Logan Circle)
- Free Library of Philadelphia
- Raemisch Sculptures
- Rodin Museum
- Eakins Oval
- Museum of Art
- Franklin Institute
- St. Clement's Episcopal Church
- Academy of Natural Sciences
- Mace's Crossing
- Sculpture to the Martyrs
- Thaddeus Kosciuszko