Statue of Copernicus

Farther along at Cherry Street, before the new United Fund Building, is the steel construction to Copernicus, the Polish astronomer. A plate at the base denotes that soil from his birthplace at Torun, Poland, is placed here. German and Polish groups had a lively battle, in and out of the press, before the monument was even in place as to whether Copernicus was a German or a Pole. The Poles evidently triumphed for his name on the marble base is spelled Kopernik.
Benjamin Franklin Parkway
- Welcome to The Benjamin Franklin Parkway Tour
- LOVE Park
- Henry Moore Sculpture
- Prophet
- Friends Select School
- Statue of Copernicus
- Cathedral of SS. Peter and Paul
- Parkway Sculptures
- Swann Fountain (Logan Circle)
- Free Library of Philadelphia
- Raemisch Sculptures
- Rodin Museum
- Eakins Oval
- Museum of Art
- Franklin Institute
- St. Clement's Episcopal Church
- Academy of Natural Sciences
- Mace's Crossing
- Sculpture to the Martyrs
- Thaddeus Kosciuszko