Powel House

The next stop is one of the finest Georgian houses in the United States, the Powel House at 244 South 3rd Street. Built in 1765, it was purchased in 1768 by Samuel Powel, the last Colonial mayor of Philadelphia and the first mayor after the Revolution. Samuel's wife Elizabeth was a sister of Thomas Willing, who with his partner Robert Morris helped finance the Revolution. Powel, like so many other Philadelphians, died of the yellow fever in 1793, but the family remained in the house for over forty years. On the second floor the ballroom dominates, and it was here that Washington, Adams, Franklin, Lafayette and other worthies were entertained by Mrs. Powel, one of the most brilliant hostesses of her time. John Adams wrote: "... a most sinful feast again! Everything which could delight the eye or allure the taste; curds and creams, jellies, sweetmeats of various sorts, twenty sorts of tarts, fools, trifles, whipped sillibub, &c." The ballroom with its magnificent Waterford chandelier, circa 1790, contains a pianoforte from 1795 in addition to a French harp and an arm harp.
Society Hill
- Welcome to Society Hill
- Locust Street between 4th and 5th; Magnolia and Rose Gardens
- Old St. Joseph's
- Shippen-Wistar House
- Cadwalader House
- St. Mary's Church
- House of Joseph Hopkinson
- Wharton House
- Powel House
- John Penn's House
- St. Paul's Episcopal Church
- Davis-Lenox House
- Society Hill Towers Overlooking Abercrombie House
- A Man Full of Trouble Tavern
- Tun Tavern
- American Street
- Head House
- Thaddeus Kosciuszko House
- St. Peter's Church
- Old Pine
- Presbyterian Historical Society
- Kangaroo sculpture
- Society Hill Synagogue
- Physick House