text: seven walking tours through historic Philadelphia

A stroll along Front Street

Waterfront Warehouse

Stroll along Front Street to see some marvelous 19th-century buildings and an occasional 18th-century one, such as that at 46 North Front Street, at the northwest corner of Cuthbert Street, formerly Coomb's Alley. Built in 1785 as a home and a store for John Clifford, it became a store and warehouse from 1821. It cannot be stated too often that we must remember and constantly be aware of the small islands of architectural beauty floating amidst the terminals of commerce in Philadelphia. Even Philadelphians are often unaware of them. On our historical-architectural quest we should never fail to examine the lowliest alley, the darkest byway, the most decrepit entry, for beyond may lie a real find.

Historic District, North of Market Street