Old World Piazza Off Cuthbert Street

Old World piazza
Turn into Cuthbert Street and take a left into the courtyard which hides several houses that sit just off the alley. An enchanting sight awaits. The owner of one of the buildings — which once was likely a stable — has festooned the wall with sculptures of all sorts. You can see Christ Christ over the rooftops. For a moment one feels transported to an Old World piazza. Delights such as these await the intrepid walker willing to poke his head around a corner or down an alley. This may still be a commercial district, but there are pleasures here no suburbanite can savor — the sound of a ship's horn at night, the sight of the vessels themselves or the wind that breathes in and out of these alleys, around these corners.
Historic District, North of Market Street
- Welcome to Historic, North of Market
- Market Street When It Was a Marketplace
- Christ Church
- Elfreth's Alley
- Fireman's Hall Museum
- Race Street Houses
- Cast-Iron buildings
- A stroll along Front Street
- Cuthbert Street
- Old World Piazza Off Cuthbert Street
- Betsy Ross House
- Friends Meeting House
- Loxley Court
- Wyndham Hotel
- National Museum of American Jewish History
- Old First Reformed Church
- Old St. George's
- St. Augustine's
- United States Mint
- Christ Church Burial Ground
- Free Quaker Meeting House
- Franklin Square
- View to Independence Hall