Race Street Houses

Rose's House
Walk north and take a right onto Race Street. Pause at number 142 — Rose's House. The house remains much as it was when built, shortly after the Battle of Lexington and Concord. Number 140 has a stoop (stoep, as the Dutch called it) which is of a later vintage. Since these houses had no front porches, stoops served as sitting places in the pleasant weather for generations of Philadelphians. The house at 144 is 19th-century. The first floor facade is of stained wood, superimposed over the brick — almost a cabinet-work effect — and is very rare. Most old Philadelphia houses are entirely of either stone or brick. Stone is native to Pennsylvania and in the 18th century brick was brought from Europe as ship's ballast. The English who built in the late 17th and during the 18th century had reason to remember the horrors of the fire of London (1666) and wanted no recurrence in Philadelphia.
Historic District, North of Market Street
- Welcome to Historic, North of Market
- Market Street When It Was a Marketplace
- Christ Church
- Elfreth's Alley
- Fireman's Hall Museum
- Race Street Houses
- Cast-Iron buildings
- A stroll along Front Street
- Cuthbert Street
- Old World Piazza Off Cuthbert Street
- Betsy Ross House
- Friends Meeting House
- Loxley Court
- Wyndham Hotel
- National Museum of American Jewish History
- Old First Reformed Church
- Old St. George's
- St. Augustine's
- United States Mint
- Christ Church Burial Ground
- Free Quaker Meeting House
- Franklin Square
- View to Independence Hall