Print Center and Cosmopolitan Club

The Print Center
1614 Latimer is the home of the Print Center, a Philadelphia institution since 1915. This famous organization has more than a 1000 members from all over the world, composed of artists, collectors and others whose interest in prints has brought them together. There are shows continually throughout the year and it is extremely pleasant to stop by and browse.
The Cosmopolitan Club, a women's club with a long history of interest in the arts, politics and the humanities, has its clubrooms at 1616. Art exhibits and lectures — for members and their guests only — are held periodically.
The last garden on Latimer Street, and in many ways the most spectacular, is that of the National Society of the Colonial Dames of America. Walkers in Philadelphia often find themselves peering into gardens, formal ones, old-fashioned ones, neglected ones, and marveling that so many green places are to be found in the heart of the city. Few are more inviting than this garden.
Go back west to 17th and head south (turn left) for a block until you come to Spruce St. to visit the 10th Presbyterian Church.
Rittenhouse Square
- Welcome to Rittenhouse Square
- Holy Trinity (Rittenhouse Square)
- Rensselaer House
- Statuary in the Square
- Art Alliance
- Barclay Hotel
- Curtis Institute of Music
- Rock Resource Center
- St. Mark's Episcopal Church
- Locust Street houses
- Sinkler Mansion
- Print Center & Cosmopolitan Club
- Tenth Presbyterian Church
- Thaw House
- Smedley Street
- Chadwick Street
- Plays and Players
- Victorian House
- Delancey Place
- Rosenbach Museum & Library
- Church for the New Jerusalem
- Mutter Museum
- First Unitarian Church of Philadelphia