Icelandic Sculpture

The Viking
At the Sedgeley Club is Icelandic sculptor Einar Jonsson's statue of the viking Torfinn Karlsefni, believed to have come to America in 1004. It is the first of many pieces of sculpture we'll see along the embankment. The next, slightly upriver, is a statue of an Indian woman defending her children against attack can be seen. Called "Stone Age in America," it was commissioned by the Fairmount Park Art Association in 1887. John J. Boyle (1851-1917) was the sculptor.
Both the river and Kelley Drive make a sharp turn to the north. Follow the road north for about 1500 feet to see the statue of slain president James Garfield
Fairmount Park
- Welcome to Fairmount Park
- Joan of Ark
- Fountain of the Sea Horses
- John Paul Jones
- Waterworks
- Lincoln Monument
- Lemon Hill
- Boathouse Row
- Icelandic Sculpture
- Garfield by Saint-Gaudens
- Samuel Memorial
- Playing Angels statue
- Grant Statue
- Mount Pleasant
- Remington's Cowboy
- Smith Playground
- Woodford
- Strawberry Mansion
- Laurel Hill Cemetery
- Zoo
- Sweetbriar
- Cedar Grove
- Memorial Hall
- Smith Civil War Memorial
- Japanese House (Shofuso)