Remington's Cowboy

Remington's Cowboy
Frederic Remington's Cowboy is the only large-scale work the artist did and the last. Remington (1861-1909) selected the spot for "Cowboy" himself and it does indeed face West!
Continue south on Kelley Dr until it intersects with woodford Dr and make a left, proceeding east until you come to Woodford mansion
Fairmount Park
- Welcome to Fairmount Park
- Joan of Ark
- Fountain of the Sea Horses
- John Paul Jones
- Waterworks
- Lincoln Monument
- Lemon Hill
- Boathouse Row
- Icelandic Sculpture
- Garfield by Saint-Gaudens
- Samuel Memorial
- Playing Angels statue
- Grant Statue
- Mount Pleasant
- Remington's Cowboy
- Smith Playground
- Woodford
- Strawberry Mansion
- Laurel Hill Cemetery
- Zoo
- Sweetbriar
- Cedar Grove
- Memorial Hall
- Smith Civil War Memorial
- Japanese House (Shofuso)